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[E] spetznaz0
[E] spetznaz0
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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It took a little longer than expected due to the Server Database error last week, me drowning probably about 80 times, and random ideas I had at the last minute (I always do), but Level 3 of the Dungeon Crawl is officially complete! It turned out a million times better than I had imagined it, and I feel really good about it. Pics and details are below, but before that I want to take a second to thank all the people who have donated to Spetty's Dungeon Crawl! It may have been a while since you donated, but I haven't forgotten about you. As soon as dungeon construction is complete, I will be creating a shrine at the entrance to show gratitude to the different levels of donators! Here is the current list of donators, in order of lewt phatness: Gold Level Donators =============== BoisterousClam AlecLaGrega Silver Level Donators ================ Justine214iscool 99codeman99 Bronze Level Donators ================= Haganharth Cyto Group RedXenons Tim1050 Driak JustinLifecaster Destroyer1239 If you would like to be so awesome as to donate to Spetty's Dungeon Crawl, just PM me here on the forums or In-Game and let me know! Also, if you want something special written on your sign, PM me with the info! (No advertising, please. That will be arranged after the Event has gained some level of notoriety) Now that we've gotten that out of the way, here are a few screens and a lengthy-yet-spoiler-free description for Level 3: ======Level 3: Underwater Caverns====== Bring an Aqua Affinity helmet and Bane of Arthropods Sword, because your going to need them. The Underwater Caverns were once the location of an ancient temple, but after a sudden earthquake it was destroyed, releasing water from the ocean above, and killing most of its inhabitants. Over the many years, nature has taken over. Spiders have taken up residence in it's small grottos. Vines and moss grow rampantly. It is a very different place indeed, yet some of the long-forgotten temple's puzzles and treasure still remain. Level 4's Planning Stages are finished, and construction will begin within the next few days. Have a nice day! -Spetz
over 12 years ago
Haha, thanks man. I recorded your name and donation amount, so no worries. But to answer your question, you may enter the dungeon with whatever you want. Enderpearls, WHATEVER. I don't care. Most likely you will need anything you can bring in. The thing is, you may die at any moment, without warning, and with the possibility to lose your entire inventory to other treasure hunting players (if they decide to keep your stuff) or lava. Or fire. Or cactus. You name it, its there. Also, thanks for the offer to help, however, this is a solo project, and I would like to keep it that way. I have grand ideas for this place and I'd rather not have anyone working on it but myself. And as for the water... I won't tell you whether I am placing or removing yet, but you will find out as soon as I finish it and post updates. Later
over 12 years ago
Whew, after about 2 days of off and on digging, building, puzzle/trap configuring and testing, decorating, etc., Level 3 is almost complete. There is only one thing left to do, and I'm going to need about 50030304947 water buckets to do it. /cry. Anyways, today I'm taking a break from dungeon crafting in order to work on a side project, but one that coincides with the dungeon, actually (I just can't get away from this damn thing): The Spetty's Dungeon Crawl Theme Song! I've never actually done ANYTHING with noteblocks other than simple alarm systems and such, but I'm a pretty good piano player/composer so I'm gonna just write it from scratch. The only real problem here is that the server lag causes random tempo changes in the tune, so I'm going for something relatively simple, probably just a 16-note loop bassline with a few piano chords, and maybe a click or two in there. The idea is to keep the melody flexible, and take ADVANTAGE of the server lag in order to make a jazzy, less-repetitive tune. I decided on this after forcing myself away from the creative server carnival build or whatever that everyone is doing (funhouses, waterslides, rollercoasters, etc). On another note, I've been thinking about plans for the Dungeon Looting System. Obviously, I can't make mobs drop anything other than what they always do, (I don't think so at least, I'm still kind of a MC Server newbie) but what I CAN do is make the collectible loot in the dungeon more reminiscent of loot from some older Dungeon Crawl RPG games, to make it feel more immersive. Right now my current loot ideas are: ~Gold Nuggets (Gold Coins) as a main source of loot (as in it will be some in most every loot chest, some more than others depending on the difficulty to reach said chest) ~Enchanted Weapons and Armor, with varying levels of enchantments, also relative to the difficulty of reaching the containing chest. Some may not be enchanted (i.e. Level 1 chests) ~Random Supplies. Pretty much anything you can think of that could be helpful in a dungeon adventure, keep in mind that the Rest Houses have crafting tables, some have furnaces, brewing stands, enchant tables, etc. so you can craft items you need with things you have collected or brought in with you. Some examples are: Food, Potions, Unsmelted/smelted ores, Wood, Sand, etc. If anyone has any suggestions for loot, or ANYTHING ELSE, please post it or PM me. This is a daunting task to undertake by myself at times, but I know when its finished, you guys are gonna love it. Details and Pics of Level 3 should be up tonight or tomorrow, whenever its finished. -Spetz
over 12 years ago
======FIRST POST!!!!! WOOOO!!!====== Ok, now that that's over with, Hello everyone and welcome to the Spetty's Dungeon Crawl progress thread! Here I will be posting pics of and info about my upcoming event. Also, if you have any ideas for traps, puzzles, loot, level themes/design, etc., feel free to post them or PM me. Of course, you will be credited for your help if I use your design, along with the donators (see below). Basically, the Dungeon Crawl is similar to a linear, dungeon crawling RPG. Players may enter the dungeon alone, or in groups. Inside, they will move from level to level, each with a different theme, as they trudge through the many different types of enemies, traps, puzzles, loot, and more, all in a quest to reach the end and plunder the treasure room (phat lewtz). There will be NO checkpoints, however there will be rest houses between some levels, featuring food, supplies, crafting tables, etc., to offer the players a safe place to rest and regain their composure before continuing through the perilous dungeon. The houses will be progressively more luxurious, with the later ones featuring enchant and brewing areas, dedicated animal spawners or another self-sustaining food supply, and more. As mentioned before, the end of the dungeon will house a treasure room, filled to the brim with better-than normal loot chests. It will NOT be easy to get there, even if you have completed the dungeon before, nor will it be easy to gain access to any of the other loot chests in the dungeon. And finally, here are some teaser pics for the levels that are 100% complete, along with some basic info about each one: ======Entrance====== ======Level 1: Sewers====== The Sewers are a complex system of dark, wet, zombie-filled tunnels. There are few light sources, and if you venture too deep into the darkness, you might not find your way out. Or you might find level 2. ======Level 2: Caverns of Deceit====== The Caverns of Deceit are not deceitful at all. There are no traps. You won't die. You will easily find the exit. I'm not lying, I promise. Level 3 is at about 60% completion I'd say, and as soon as it is finished I will post pics and details! If you are interested in making a donation to Spetty's Dungeon Crawl, let me know with a PM, you can just send the money but BE SURE TO LET ME KNOW so I can record your name and donation amount! Thanks for reading!
over 12 years ago